Turkey Creek: Surviving the Storm

ABC News, August 26, 2015, By Meghan Keneally and Justine Quart

"Each weekday afternoon, a group of retirees gathers on the lawn of 71-year-old Flowers White.

They sit perched on plastic folding chairs, passing around an oversized bag of peanuts – leisurely cracking the shells and casting them onto the lawn – as the conversation meanders from car repairs to national politics to the latest football scandal.

Today, the air is thick with the sound of cicadas and the sweltering August midday sun is beating down. The men take sips from bottled water and cans of V8 as members of their crew assemble.

Flowers White is the host of this daily summit. He is one of the old-timers here. From his lawn, he can point out the house he was born in. His family helped found this town in 1866 – they were among the emancipated slaves who pooled their money and bought the land now known as Turkey Creek.

Turkey Creek, Mississippi became a homing beacon for following generations. Residents will tell you that everyone here is family.

On lethargic days like today, it’s hard to imagine the chaos that ripped through this sleepy town 10 years ago – when Hurricane Katrina transformed the town’s eponymous creek into a rageful river that tore through historic homes and put residents’ lives in peril. ..."

To READ MORE and see a video report: http://abcnews.go.com/US/fullpage/turkey-creek-surviving-storm-33139635

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The Battle for Turkey Creek
“This intimate film tells a gigantic story...It’s about everything that matters in our society.”
Bill Bigelow, Rethinking Schools